It turns out that
Qingming, the day for the respect of ancestors, coincides this year with Easter Monday, the day that the mythical demigod
Jesus rose from the grave. I find that nicely symbolic of death and rebirth, don't you? It seemed like an apropos day to restyle (or possibly obliterate) my blog. Enjoy.
Much improved and more readable layout for the blog - nice!
ReplyDeleteThank god. You don't know the battles I've waged with Blogger XHTML lately.
ReplyDeleteI love the idea of Protoword of the week. Despite that this was sort of the same idea I was thinking of introducing.
The layout is great. Very stylish and readable. I indirectly feel the pain you must feel for writing the code for this. My girlfriend saw the webpage, then realised it was written within the confines of Blogspot and her jaw dropped.
Personally I haven't even attempted such a thing, but from what I gather it's pretty impressive! :D
Only gripe I have with the Mayan Calender/Protoword of the week, is that I think the colours don't mesh that well with the rest of the predominantly red website. I see how you tried to break the 'red'. But I'm not sure if this shade of green was the right colour. But that's me nitpicking ;-)
PhoeniX: "I love the idea of Protoword of the week. Despite that this was sort of the same idea I was thinking of introducing."
ReplyDeleteI beat you to it, nyah nyah! ;o) I was going to do "Protoword of the day" but I got lazy. Fifty-two protowords is enough for now.
"My girlfriend saw the webpage, then realised it was written within the confines of Blogspot and her jaw dropped."
The problem is that nitpicky Blogger doesn't allow you to download flash files on their system. So I got around those code-nazis by using Google Sites to remotely house them instead. A little messy but it works.
"Only gripe I have with the Mayan Calender/Protoword of the week, is that I think the colours don't mesh that well with the rest of the predominantly red website."
I agree actually. I'm being rather colourblind in that respect, I must admit. The theme colours don't work either so I've now changed it all to visually unoffensive neutrals. You can never go wrong with neutrals.
Much better. But! The menu says 'proto-word of the day', which if you click it it says 'proto-word of the week'.
ReplyDeleteAs I think it's indeed sensible to do a proto-word of the week rather than of the day, I suggest you change that ;-)
Since I've automated my banner based on cycles, I can easily expand to days once I collect the info.
ReplyDeleteThe offending module has been corrected. As always, resistance is futile.